Bord Na Mona Appeal
The Cavan and Leitrim Railway has a rich history of Bord na Mona locos and rolling stock either on display or in active service on our railway. It represents an important part of our industrial heritage for future generations. We have in our collection the oldest known Bord na Mona loco LM11, several Rustons, Simplexes, Gleismacs and Deutzs along with the Wagonmaster Prototype LM175.
The closure of Bord na Mona has meant that its once extensive rail network is in decline with much rolling stock, locos and track being disposed of via auctions.
The Cavan and Leitrim Railway has many ongoing projects such as the Vintage Train Appeal and the rebuilding of our running line. As a result we do not have sufficient funds within the group to consider acquiring items from auction.
We are seeking your support to gather a fund to purchase suitable equipment.
Ideally we are seeking the below items;
Heavy rail (60lb) switches/points, this is to keep our railway operating into the future and future proof our railway
Wagons to use for our permenant way team for trackwork, ballasting and moving ad-hoc items on site
Support in the purchase of Bord na Mona locomotives such as a Wagonmaster
Transport costs for moving any items that are acquired, a lorry movement could cost above €800 depending on the load
We need your help!
Lots have been known to sell in excess of scrap metal. Every penny you generate is of immense help.
Donate to the Fund
Donate any amount here!

Former Ruston LM101 was restored at Dromod from scrap condition